Customized Shading

As dental practitioners, you’ve doubtless encountered a patient with tooth decay or trauma in the smile zone. Worse, it’s inevitable that you’ve had someone come in with natural canines being offset by poorly shaded veneers. These results can impact your clinic’s brand and reputation as a reliable source of beautiful aesthetic dental services. A central part of achieving high-quality restoration dental results requires a thorough understanding of shade communication. Precision Dental Arts Studio can provide that expertise and allow you to get back to what you do best.

Customized Shading Services Can Elevate Your Results

Dentists have been seeing an increasing need to market their services and expertise in the face of patients with more exacting standards. As options increase, patients are inevitably selecting those practitioners who can provide exceptional results that are natural looking and quickly available. Achieving this is easier with a dental lab that can provide reliable, high-quality results that meet your patient’s needs. 

Taking Clear Photographs

High-quality photos are the best way to communicate your patient’s shade to our lab. You can send your images to us via email, CD, or a USB drive delivered to the lab using a digital SLR camera to take them. Email is, by far, the preferred approach for the modern dentist.

  • Camera Tips: Make sure the shade tab and the lettering are clearly visible. The tab should be held in the same orientation as the patient’s teeth to ensure the light reflects on it similarly. 
  • Use Multiple Shade Tabs: Include a variety of tabs that look good with the patient’s natural teeth. This allows our lab technician more insight and the ability to compare the color elements thoroughly. A stump-prep shade should also be included if you aim to provide an all-ceramic restoration.
  • Details: Natural teeth are always a blend of various shades. They comprise various line angles, textures, and characterization that impact the tooth’s appearance. In addition, indents and craze lines make up the natural appearance of your patient’s tooth. These details are best achieved using a 1:1 closeup shot using a high-resolution digital camera with a macro lens. These need to be included along with your shade tab photos.

The fine details of your patient’s tooth need to be considered to ensure you get the best results possible. We ensure that every detail is considered carefully to produce our high-quality, perfectly matched results for you and your patient. Using our range of over 30 base shades can create thousands of different shading options sure to meet your patient’s satisfaction. The team at Precision Arts Dental Studio is here to help you get the best possible results.

Reach Out To Precision Arts Dental Studio

Call us today if you’re ready to elevate your clinic’s reputation by providing restorations that flawlessly match the shade of your patient’s natural teeth. You can reach our team by calling 510-785-5860 to begin building a relationship with our dental lab. Together we’ll ensure that your patients are getting the results they deserve. 

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